Wellbeing For All
Wherever you're at in life, we can support you to be active
At Edinburgh Leisure we harness the power of physical activity and sport to tackle inequalities and combat the effects of inactivity. Each year we provide support to improve the lives of 10,000 people who face the greatest barriers to being active, including those affected by health conditions, disabilities, inequalities and poverty.
Our Active Communities team know the importance of physical activity and the role it plays in helping to improve health and wellbeing in our communities. Being more physically active is one of the best things we can do to improve our health and wellbeing.
We want to improve access and empower more people to make the choice to be physically active.
The services and activities detailed below will help people living on a low income or those experiencing inequalities to be active and improve their health, wellbeing, and quality of life.
Wherever you’re at in life we can offer you the support you need to be and stay active.

Tackling inequality in Edinburgh
Our Wellbeing For All Programmes
We have a range of programmes that can help to support people living in poverty and experiencing inequalities to be active.
“I’m a single parent and I rely on benefits to get by. With support from Edinburgh Leisure I can go to the gym or a fitness class when I’m not working and its really helped me to feel better about myself.”
Taking Part
To discuss any of our programmes or how to get referred, get in touch by
emailing active@edinburghleisure.co.uk or calling 0131 458 2260.
Discounts and Offers to Keep Active with Edinburgh Leisure
We have a range of offers and discounts to ensure keeping active is affordable for all.
Help us to help more people
Help support our Active Communities Programme to ensure our specialist team can provide people with the help and support they need to protect their health and wellbeing.