Disclosure Log


This list of Freedom of Information (FOI) responses, known as an FOI disclosure log, shows FOI requests we have received and the responses we provided. This means anyone with an interest can quickly and easily see questions that have already been asked and the response provided. Personal details such as names and addresses (both postal and email) are redacted to protect privacy. Please note that we may not publish a FOI response on our website due to the confidential or sensitive nature of the information disclosed to the requester. 


FOI responses are available in this log for three years. They are presented from the most recent first.

Request No. Request Date Resolution
ELIR00430 11.02.2025 n/a
Edinburgh Leisure Questions
Ahead of the EL report to the Culture and Communities Committee, I would like to request the following information: 1. EL has previously said that it would cost around 2k to open the toilets at Portobello Swim Centre. Could I please ask how this was worked out? 2. Is EL (I) Currently paying the Real Living Wage? (ii) Planning to pay the RLW in FY 25/26? Thanks,
ELIR00429 10.02.2025 13.02.2025
Info on Table Tennis Broken Table and Contract
Afternoon - I write re a broken table tennis table from the main hall at Craiglockhart Center - it has been withdrawn from Service for 5 weeks and I am unable to obtain a fixed / replacement date - so I ask the following : 1 - What steps are being taken to obtain /progress any Quote from any Supplier? Has anyone followed up on progressing a Supplier or put a deadline on any reply ? 2- What is the contracted reply time on any Procurement Section approved supplier framework or contract ?ie a Service Level? Say 5 days to reply and 4 days to do the work . 3 - I understand a future meeting will take place to evaluate the replies -up to and including a possible decision to buy another table - how many staff and what titles does this meeting involve ? 4 - How much income is Edin Leisure missing out on per week due to the absent table ? Thank you in advance for looking into this.
ELIR00428 05.02.2025 12.02.2025
FOI request - sexual assault at swimming pools
Dear Edinburgh Leisure freedom of Information team Please can you provide me with the following information: 1. Reports of sexual offences or inappropriate behaviour at Edinburgh Leisure pools (separated into calendar years). 2. Internal policies and safeguarding measures. 3. Communications with Police Scotland or the council on these issues. 4. Any staff training or guidance related to preventing sexual offences. I would appreciate all data from 2020 up until 2025 to be included, separated into calendar years where possible. I understand that data identifying individuals cannot be shared. Where possible, please provide data related to swimming and bathing activities e.g. in swimming pools or bathing facilities or changing areas for people who use these. If you do not have this level of data and only have data for the broader leisure centre, then please provide this.
ELIR00427 17.01.2025 22.01.2025
Open Drain Reports at Portobello Rugby Club
Hi there, Hope you are well. I would like to understand if the open drain cover outside Portobello Rugby Club / Cavalry Park Changing Rooms (129 Duddingston Road West, Duddingston, Edinburgh, EH15 3QF) has been reported. And if so, can you please share all historical reports of this. From the first point it has been reported. Thanks
ELIR00426 06.01.2025 15.01.2025
Utilisation of Football Pitches
Corstorphine Dynamo are a rapidly growing community football club with a strong community ethos. I cannot turn a blind eye to the behaviour of many other clubs who monopolise football pitch 'Lets' despite teams having left the club for other clubs like ourselves or Salvesen FC. Edinburgh CFC have a number of un-utilised Lets which they retain despite an ever-reducing number of teams which I am aware is likely to continue. My request is to get information on 11 a-side pitch Lets versus actual utilisation for Forrester High School and other Edinburgh Leisure pitches Let by Edinburgh CFC. I am aware of two teams who will be leaving Edinburgh CFC at the end of this season who currently utilise Forrester High School pitches which should be released at the end of the season. EL should be concerned not just about fully letting pitches but full utilisation of pitches.