Disclosure Log


This list of Freedom of Information (FOI) responses, known as an FOI disclosure log, shows FOI requests we have received and the responses we provided. This means anyone with an interest can quickly and easily see questions that have already been asked and the response provided. Personal details such as names and addresses (both postal and email) are redacted to protect privacy. Please note that we may not publish a FOI response on our website due to the confidential or sensitive nature of the information disclosed to the requester. 


FOI responses are available in this log for three years. They are presented from the most recent first.

Request No. Request Date Resolution
ELIR00420 16.10.2024 16.10.2024
Student Memberships
I am working on a user experience project for university centered in Edinburgh Leisure's website and in particular about student's experiences while navigating it. I have been reading your published information and Board Reports but I am unable to find the data I need. I would like to know: How many Students have a membership with Edinburgh Leisure (2024, 2023 & 2022 if possible). If Edinburgh Leisure has carried out any studies on the user interaction and satisfaction with the website, if so where can I find them.
ELIR00419 08.10.2024 08.10.2024
Number of visitors every year
Are you able to tell me roughly how many people visit your centre every year? I'm doing a PR story on the west Edinburgh area. There's a lot of development and investment in this area at the moment. I represent one of the house builders building in the area. We just wanted to get a scale of the amount of people coming here. There's the new surfing place opening soon too. Are you able to help me.
ELIR00418 06.09.2024 19.09.2024
Flooding Incidents
Dear Edinburgh Leisure, Can I please request, in the form of a spreadsheet such as Excel or CSV file, information on flooding incidents at council-run sports facilities. The flooding incidents should be in relation to weather-related incidents only (i.e. not as a result of plumbing incidents). For the years 2013 to present I would like the following information for each flooding incident: 1. Date of flooding incident 2. Name of sports facility flooded 3. Address of sports facility 4. Description of area flooded - football pitch, rugby field, gym, etc. 5. Cost of damage/repairs (£) 6. Information if the facility had to be closed and if so, for how long The information provided should only be in relation to flooding caused by weather. If this request cannot be met within the cost limits for Freedom of Information requests, please can you provide me with advice and assistance on how I may refine my request.
ELIR00417 22.08.2024 28.08.2024
Swim caps for primary school arranged swim sessions
Freedom of Information Request 22nd August 2024 Please may I request the following information? 1) is there a Edinburgh Leisure wide policy on mandatory swim caps for all children taking part in primary school arranged swim sessions? 2) is there a Drumbrae Leisure Centre policy on mandatory swim caps for all children taking part in primary school arranged swim sessions? If either of the above queries are true: 3) Are there any sanctions for a primary school child should they not have a swim cap? And if so what are they? 4) When did such a policy come into effect? 5) What are the reasons behind this policy? 6) Who made the policy and who published it? Please specify if made and published by different bodies. In look forward to your response by email with any additional information attached in Word or PDF format
ELIR00416 13.08.2024 13.08.2024
Foi Leisure management Systems
I am requesting the undernoted information under the Freedom of Information regulations. Please provide an email response to my request. Hard copy is not required. The information request relate to Leisure Services and specifically Leisure Management systems, 1. Please provide details of your Leisure Management System Provider 2. Please provide details of the number of sites requiring / utilising Leisure Management system functionality 3. Please provide detail of the Hosting Method, i.e. Cloud, internal etc. 4. Please provide details of current contract Length and /or Expiry date. 5. Please provide details of value of Contract (If unable to provide exact figures please provide a range i.e. £200k - £250k 6. Please provide details of the Payment Method. I.e.. Full payment covering term of contract or instalments (frequency) 7. Please provide detail of the Procurement Route / Method used to source your provider, i.e. framework, direct purchase etc. 8. Do you have an app? 9. If applicable, where an app is present, Is this used to directly book activities. Fitness classes, facility or room bookings etc. 10. Do you have electronic member sign up
ELIR00415 09.08.2024 02.09.2024
Asbestos at RCP
We would be grateful if you would provide us with the following information: All and any information relating to all contractors who worked on the Royal Commonwealth Pool. All and any information relating to the presence of asbestos in the Royal Commonwealth Pool. All and any asbestos surveys or asbestos registers relating to the Royal Commonwealth Pool. All any documents referring to the presence of asbestos in Royal Commonwealth Pool. All and any information relating to the removal of asbestos from the Royal Commonwealth Pool. All any documents relating to the removal of asbestos from the Royal Commonwealth Pool.
ELIR00414 05.08.2024 29.08.2024
Information Request - Hall 1 Planning - Lighting Meadowbank Sports Centre
I am writing to request information on the planning procedure of Hall 1 in Meadowbank Sports Centre. The reason for my request is that I believe the low lighting along courts 1-4 to be inadequate for playing racquet sports and I want to know which guidelines were followed before seeking to have it improved. Firstly, I am told that consultations were held with organisations such as Badminton Scotland with regards to the planning of the hall. I would like to know what discussions took place with all stakeholders regarding Hall 1. Particularly what role/stake they had, what EL asked of them, whether these consultations were off-site/remote or on-site, and whether they took place before, during, or after the hall was considered fit for play by them. Furthermore, I would like to know what the technical building specifications and standards specific to the hall lighting are. Specifically the number of lights which should be installed and their locations on the ceiling and what the required light intensity range is (stating minimum and maximum levels) for the hall. If this information is already in the public domain and readily accessible, I'd appreciate if you could direct me to it, but if not then please consider this a formal request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
ELIR00413 23.06.2024 n/a
Subject Access Request
Request for personal data.
ELIR00412 07.06.2024 n/a
Subject Access Request
Request for Personal Data
ELIR00411 05.06.2024 11.06.2024
Swimming pool sessions exclusively for adults with learning disabilities
1. Does your organisation provide swimming pool sessions exclusively for adults with learning disabilities (with their carer or support worker)? 2. If you have, can you provide details of the locations, days that they occur and the times?
ELIR00410 03.06.2024 05.06.2024
Swimming Lesson Charges and General Sessions
May I ask how much the local authority/ALEO charge for the following in pools in 20/21, 21/22, 23/24 and 24/25 to date 1/ children's lessons 2/ juvenile lessons (if different pricing) 3/ adult lessons 4/ adult general swim sessions 5/ children's general swim sessions
ELIR00409 28.05.2024 03.06.2024
Policy on Dealing with Seizures
To whom it may concern. I had a meeting at Meadowbank Leisure Centre on 25 April with the Manager and Operations Manager to discuss my husband who has epilepsy and asked twice for a copy of Edinburgh Leisure's policy/ procedure for dealing with people who have seizures and was told this would be forwarded to me. I still have not received this so under the freedom of information act I would like to request a copy of this so I can be reassured of my husband's safety whilst at your venue. Many Thanks
ELIR00408 22.05.2024 29.05.2024
Energy Consumption - Drumbrae
Would you be able to provide me with the latest energy consumption (light and heating) data in Drumbrae Leisure Centre? If possible, would you have the monthly data? Even better would be the daily data and the peak consumption times (presuming morning, lunch, and after school).
ELIR00407 08.05.2024 14.05.2024
Healthy Active Minds
Dear Edinburgh Leisure, "Edinburgh Leisure. A body funded by local government. Manages and develops sport & leisure services on behalf of the City of Edinburgh Council". 1. Please can you provide the total number of people at Edinburgh Leisure who are trained to support Attendees of Healthy Active Minds? 2. Please can you provide the total number of people at Edinburgh Leisure who attend Healthy Active Minds programme (s) In 2022 In 2023 In 2024
ELIR00406 06.05.2024 10.05.2024
Single Sex Facilities
Please could you confirm your policy on access to single-sex facilities. I specifically wish to know whether you restrict single-sex facilities such as toilets and changing rooms to members of the appropriate biological sex for said facilities. Please could you also confirm your policy relating to 'transgender' individuals' access to toilets and changing rooms.
ELIR00405 31.03.2024 04.04.2024
All membership categories / pricing and volumes
Please can you provide the data around membership categories that Edinburgh leisure have for golf over the last 5 years. Please include all hidden and non public disclosed memberships on your books and their prices! Volumes per subcategory Price per category and % Course demographic per category Including but not limited to: Friends & family Loyalty Long term loyalty Long term staff Staff Ferantes Scottish National Party and any other house of parliament representatives Other sponsor / other organisation discounts whether sponsors or non Senior and all other categories as visible to the general public All categories not visible to general public Please provide the above information as per the freedom of information.
ELIR00404 27.03.2024 05.04.2024
Invoices & Payments
For the most recent financial year, please provide the statistics as follows: 1. The average number of days taken to make payments of invoices, measured from the date of receipt of invoice or other notice to the date the cash is received by the supplier. 2. The percentage of payments made within the reporting period which were paid in 30 days or fewer, between 31 and 60 days, and in 61 days or longer. 3. The percentage of payments due within the reporting period which were not paid within the agreed payment terms.
ELIR00403 20.03.2024 05.04.2024
Turkish Baths Plunge Pool
Requested information: I would like to obtain information on the technical issue due to which the Turkish Baths plunge pool has been closed for several weeks. 1. Could you please provide information on what the nature of the issue is and what actions have been taken by management to resolve the issue. 2. Why is the issue not being fixed in a timely manner? 3. I'd also be grateful if you could provide information on any decision making over what information to disclose to the public as no details of the issue nor further updates on how and when it is planned to be resolved have been provided for a significant period of time. Format of the requested information: electronic via email.
ELIR00402 11.03.2024 n/a
Request for Personal Data - SAR
Request for Personal Data
ELIR00401 02.03.2024 08.03.2024
Bike Thefts - RCP
Please can you tell me how many bikes were stolen on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis from the Royal Commonwealth pool in 2023 and 2024 (so far).
ELIR00400 21.02.2024 01.03.2024
Portobello Baths
Please send me all documents, agendas, minutes, costings, estimates and communications from the last five years relating to Portobello Baths, or any other names to which it has been referred, or to any other general points of discussion under which it would be included. I am principally interested in learning what has been said or written about the baths, their current and future use, attitude towards maintenance, costs of actual maintenance, and funding.
ELIR00399 23.01.2024 02.02.2024
Number of Memberships
Can you let me know how many leisure memberships you have please?
ELIR00398 18.01.2024 02.02.2024
War Memorial, Warrender Baths Club
Good afternoon, My request is on behalf of the War Memorials Trust. (A UK organisation supported by, among others, Historic Scotland.) We maintain an online searchable database that seeks to record (in text and image) every war memorial in the UK and monitor their condition. We have an entry for Warrender Baths Club (now called Warrender Swim Centre. As the premises had been refurbished, I visited the baths on 6th December 2023 to check on the memorial and photograph it as the (attached) picture we have is poor. The staff present had no knowledge of the memorial as they were not employed there prior to the refurbishment. They emailed their manager regarding my enquiry but a couple of weeks later I had no reply and emailed her directly with a further request but, to date, there has been no response. As we would like to keep our database up to date, I would request information regarding the status of this small memorial plaque, whether it is mounted elsewhere, in storage or lost.
ELIR00397 18.01.2024 13.02.2024
Leisure and Sports Facilities
Hope you're well. I would like to make an FOI request on the following: 1. How much has Edinburgh Leisure spent on sport and leisure services and facilities between 2018 and 2023? This includes: Leisure centres, parks, grass pitches, all publicly accessible swimming pools, health and fitness facilities and sports halls. Please provide a figure of how much was spent for each year in the five-year period by text on email, through an excel spreadsheet or a Microsoft Word document. 2. How many sport and leisure facilities operated by Edinburgh Leisure have closed between 2018 and 2023? Please provide the number of closures for each year in the five-year period?
ELIR00396 12.01.2024 02.02.2024
GSC Running Costs
I would like to make an FOI request for the most recent running costs and the most recent sales incomes of Glenogle Swim Centre.
ELIR00395 12.01.2024 18.01.2024
Saughton Sports Complex Operating Costs
We would like to know the following information: 1. The most recent annual operating costs and income for Saughton Sports Centre. This should be broken down, wherever possible, to show separately for operating both the centre as a whole and the cost of operating the Enclosure. 2. The information should include, but not be restricted to: - Employee costs with details of number of employees and hours worked - Pitch management - Any security associated with the enclosure - Property/land Rental or Tax costs - Maintenance costs, broken down to show those specifically within the enclosure - Utilities, again broken down to show costs attributed to the enclosure, including the electricity costs for running floodlights - Any subsidies provided by CEC or anyone else - Income from football and income from athletics specifically related to the hire of the enclosure Many thanks
ELIR00394 06.01.2024 15.01.2024
Gender & Swim
Why is there a female only swim session on a Saturday and Sunday at this facility? Also what is a woman? Can you send me Edinburgh Leisure's definition of a women please? Extremely concerned you can have a gender specific swim session on the weekend (when people are off with their kids). Why do women have a priority over men? Finally when is the men only swim session? 2 evening in the weekend it's women only so I assume you have a male only for equality reasons. If not can you explain why not in your reply. Please reply with full details about the above asked questions :)
ELIR00393 07.01.2024 24.01.2024
Technology Provider Selection for Public-Facing Website, Coaching Portal, Online Booking Website, ap
I trust this message finds you well. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, I am submitting a request for information pertaining to the decision-making process regarding the selection of the technology provider(s) responsible for the development and management of Edinburgh Leisure's public-facing website, Coaching Portal, Online Booking website, and mobile app. To facilitate the request efficiently, I would appreciate your assistance in providing the following information: Request for Proposals (RFP): Copies of the Request for Proposals or equivalent documents issued by Edinburgh Leisure for the selection of a technology provider for the public-facing website, Coaching Portal, Online Booking website, and mobile app. Tender Submissions: A summary list of the companies or individuals who submitted tenders in response to the RFP, without requiring the provision of copies of the full tenders at this stage. Evaluation Criteria: A concise overview of the evaluation criteria and processes employed by Edinburgh Leisure in the assessment of the tenders received. Decision-Making Documentation: Documents summarizing the decision-making process leading to the selection of the technology provider(s) for the specified platforms, including high-level minutes or decision summaries. This should encompass internal correspondence related to the decision-making process and any correspondence with eventual suppliers. Contractual Agreements: Details of the contractual agreements or arrangements between Edinburgh Leisure and the selected technology provider(s). Additional Relevant Information: Any supplementary information related to the technology provider selection process that may contribute to understanding the decision-making rationale. In accordance with the Freedom of Information legislation, I understand that there may be costs associated with fulfilling this request. To ensure the most efficient use of resources, please inform me of any potential fees or, if necessary, assist in narrowing down the scope of the request within reasonable limits. For transparency and accessibility, I request that responses be provided electronically. If feasible, kindly process this request via the WhatDoTheyKnow platform. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to receiving the requested information within the statutory timeframe.
ELIR00392 07.01.2024 01.03.2024
Customer Technical Issues and Service Improvement Measures
I hope this message finds you well. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, I am submitting a request for information regarding the technical issues experienced by customers in the use of Edinburgh Leisure's services, encompassing the public-facing website, Coaching Portal, Online Booking website, and mobile app. To gain a comprehensive understanding, I kindly request the following information: Customer Technical Issues: A summary of the major technical problems reported by customers over the past five years in relation to the public-facing website, Coaching Portal, Online Booking website, and the mobile app. Benchmarking and Comparative Analysis: Details on any studies or benchmarks employed by Edinburgh Leisure to assess the frequency and nature of technical issues, and how the reported problems compare to industry and sectoral benchmarks. Improvement Measures: Documentation outlining the steps and strategies implemented by Edinburgh Leisure to address and ameliorate the identified technical issues. Constraints or challenges faced by Edinburgh Leisure in implementing these improvement measures. Reports and Documentation: Any internal reports, analyses, or reviews conducted by Edinburgh Leisure regarding customer-reported technical issues and the effectiveness of implemented solutions. Communication with Customers: Information on how Edinburgh Leisure communicates with customers regarding technical issues, including any proactive measures taken to inform and assist customers in resolving problems. In accordance with the Freedom of Information legislation, I understand that there may be costs associated with fulfilling this request. To ensure the most efficient use of resources, please inform me of any potential fees or, if necessary, assist in narrowing down the scope of the request within reasonable limits. For transparency and accessibility, I request that responses be provided electronically. If feasible, kindly process this request via the WhatDoTheyKnow platform. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to receiving the requested information within the statutory timeframe.