You have referred to 'Get Fit For Surgery'

What you need to know:

Get Fit for Surgery supports patients on the NHS waiting list who are awaiting surgery for their hip or knee. The programme supports people to get active and stay active prior to their operation date.

You will be invited to attend an initial 1-1 consultation with your instructor. You will then take part in weekly, supervised, physical activity sessions designed to improve your overall health, wellbeing, and confidence. They will include cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, balance, and coordination. 

While you are taking part in Get Fit for Surgery you will receive ongoing support and motivation from your instructor, along with FREE access to Edinburgh Leisure’s gyms and pools to help you prepare for surgery. 

Get Fit for Surgery is delivered by Edinburgh Leisure, in partnership with the Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership.

Name: Argy Rizos MA Hons, Level 3 Diploma in Supporting Clients with Long-term Health Conditions.

Job Title: Health Instructor (PREHAB)

How many years of experience in physical activity sector:

Argy has ten years of experience in delivering group activity sessions in athletics and fitness and is currently supporting clients with physical health conditions. 


Argy is a qualified gym and fitness instructor, specialising in long-term health conditions; UK Athletics licenced coaching assistant; Social Anthropology graduate with key interests in the relationship between socio-economic challenges, leisure, urban space, and social organisation. 

What is your passion/do you like doing in your spare time away from work/hobbies:

Argy likes music, training, and competitions (long-distance running/cycling), nature and environment, film, and volunteering.  

Why Get Fit for Surgery?:

“’Get Fit for Surgery’ felt, and has proven to be, an ideal fit for my experience – professional and academic – and my ideals as a person: I believe in the prevention of, rather than a response to problems. Although the programme is directed to people that already experience health issues, it does follow the philosophy that by building a strong physical foundation, future issues can, and should be alleviated or avoided altogether”.

This free booklet contains exercises that you can do from your home to help you 'Get Fit for Surgery'. View and download the Home Exercise Booklet.

Please ensure you have a space large enough to perform each exercise safely and ensure any potential trip hazards have been removed from the area.

While exercising, if you experience any chest pain, shortness of breath or suddenly feel unwell, please contact a medical professional immediately.

If you are unsure of any of the exercises used in this booklet, please speak to your Active Communities Instructor before including them in your programme 

Please complete a warmup routine prior to doing any of the following exercises as advised by your health instructor.

Standing and seated exercises

Resistance exercise for upper body

Resistance exercise for lower body 

Please complete a cool down routine after doing any of the above exercises as advised by your health instructor.