Looked After and Active: Support for Young People

Looked After and Active aims to use physical activity to improve the lives of care experienced children and young people. We provide free, supported, access to a range of Edinburgh Leisure’s activities, as well as discount on the price of coaching. Anyone up to the age of 26, who is looked after at home, in kinship care, foster care, residential care or in through care after care – and their carer can apply (see the bottom of the page to apply).

Looked After and Active provides access to Swimming, gym, under 5s soft play and one coached activity.

For more information, please email active@edinburghleisure.co.uk or phone us on 0131 458 2260. 


LA Active card holders can take advantage of free access to Edinburgh Leisure swimming pools. 

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Gym and Fitness Classes

LA Active card holders enjoy free access to Edinburgh Leisure gyms and fitness classes.

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LA Active card holders can use any Edinburgh Leisure badminton court for free, with free racket hire included.

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Soft play

LA Active card holders under the age of 5 can access Edinburgh Leisure’s 3 soft play centres for free.

Coached Activities

LA Active card holders receive one free coached activity until 31st October 2024.

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Open All Hours

Anyone in S1-S6 can attend Open All Hours for £1, speak to staff in your local centre for details.

To apply for a new LA Active card, or to renew, please download the forms below:


For more information about Looked After and Active please contact our Active Communities team on 0131 458 2260 or email active@edinburghleisure.co.uk